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As the name suggests, we're a movement aiming to gain proper closure for the animated series, The Clone Wars. We are a small group, but we are all passionate about all things Star Wars. Alongside The Clone Wars series, we also want to support Star Wars Rebels and its potential to become an even greater show.


This section (as is the rest of our website) is dedicated to you, our followers, as we believe open communication and understanding is key within a movement.  

The Plan

Phase 1: Planning 

Phase 1 is the is the earliest stage of this movement,  this phase consists of logistical reasoning  and our initial steps for reinvigorating the Finish The Clone Wars movement

status: Complete

Phase 2: Growing 

Phase 2, we aim to team up with and gather followers and groups as we gradually grow while informing our new associates and followers.  In this phase we will be recruiting people to join our various social platforms.


Visit the “Taking Action” portion of our website to learn about how you can help with expansion.

status: in progress

Phase 3: Making a Name for ourself 

Phase 3, as we grow as a movment via partnerships, we'll gain great recongition  and influence in the Star Wars Community. With this influence and established name, we'll gain a greater voice when reaching out to Disney and Lucasfilm

status: in progress

Phase 4: Action 

Phase 4 is the last phase, it is where we finally begin  our campaign to get the Clone Wars finished. During this campaign we will be sending Lucasfilm and Disney letters as well as posting on their social media accounts in an attempt to get their attention. The key to this will be our data that we have collected which gives statistical reasoning to reimburse the Clone Wars.

status: in progress
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